Course: SQL
Text lesson

Table Relationship


HMS Entity Relatioship

HMS Entity relationships describe how entity are related within a database. This ensures data integrity and enables complex queries. 

  1. Data Integrity

  2. Data normalization

  3. Efficient querying

  4. Scalability and maintenance

  5. Logical organization

Relationship model

There are two primary users in the system: employers and patients. Employees are doctors, nurses, technicians, and patient’s parents and patients themselves.

Employee user

Entity Relationship Table Name
Employee Employee has multiple patients and patient has one or more employee Patient
Employee appoint on one or multiple department but department has many employees Department

Employee and Patient


Employe and Department


Patient user 

Entity Relationship Tabel name
Patient A patient receives a diagnosis multiple times or not Diagnosis
A patient takes treatment multiple time or not Treatment
A patient has one medical note Medical Note
A patient gets minimum one service Service

Patient and Diagnosis


Patient and Treatment


Patient and Medical Note


Patient and Service
